Jamie isn't just familiar with the latest research, he produces it.

When Jamie speaks at your event you go straight to the source of some of the most cutting edge thoughts in management and psychology. But he doesn't give you a boring lecture of research studies, instead you participate in an exciting and mind-expanding discussion of possibilities and go on an arousing adventure. Even though he is a professor, the most common feedback people give Jamie after his sessions is "You don't speak like an academic", which he takes as a compliment.

Dr. Gruman did a fabulous presentation for us that was engaging, educational and entertaining. We were priviledged to have with us such an outstanding speaker and researcher. Thank you Dr. Gruman.
— Lola Bendana, Director, Toronto Power Group

Books and Book Chapters

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In Advanced Introduction to Employee Engagement Jamie provides a detailed overview of employee engagement highlighting how to understand engagement and put it into practice.

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In The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Well-being, Jamie applies his Balance Framework to an understanding of workplace well-being.

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Boost explains how to recover from fatigue in your leisure time, and achieve psychological well-being, physical health, and become more effective at your tasks (ie., get a boost!).

"Boost has deep implications for everyone."

Shawn Achor, New York Times bestselling author of Big Potential and The Happiness Advantage

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The third edition of Jamie's market-leading book on Applied Social Psychology explains how to use social psychology to understand and address social and practical problems of all kinds.

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In Essentials of Job Attitudes and Other Workplace Psychological Constructs Jamie provides a state-of-the-science review of employee engagement

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Jamie's chapter in Advances in Positive Organizational Psychology explains how to build employees' psychological capital (hope, optimism, confidence, and resilience) through the on-boarding process.

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Jamie's chapter in The Cambridge Handbook of Workplace Training and Employee Development explains how to incorporate psychological capital into training programs.

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In his chapter in A Research Agenda for Human Resource Management, Jamie lays out a research program for studying how human resource practices foster employee engagement.

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Jamie's chapter in The Handbook of Employee Engagement discusses how employee engagement is influenced by the on-boarding process.

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In Jamie's chapter in The Handbook of Research on Employee Voice he introduces the concept of employee voice engagement, which reflects expressing one's true self when speaking up at work.

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In the second edition of The Handbook of Research on Employee Voice Jamie introduces collective voice engagement and discusses how to build a climate of voice engagement.

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In The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Socialization, Jamie outlines the development of Socialization Resources Theory, an innovative, new approach to on-boarding employees successfully.

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Jamie’s entry in the Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences provides an overview of the ‘need for cognition’ - the tendency to engage in effortful thought - and how to measure it.

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In The Brave New World of EHRM 2.0 Jamie introduces “E-socialization”, explaining the pros and cons of how information technology impacts the on-boarding process in organizations.

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Jamie co-wrote the entry on E-socialization for The Encyclopedia of Electronic HRM.

A Sampling of Journal Articles

In a paper published in Human Resource Management Review, Jamie developed the PHRAME model of positive human resourcefulness and management, and recommended that the term “human resources” be abandoned.

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In a paper published in Career Development International, Jamie introduced engagement maintenance curves to discuss how to maintain newcomer engagement


In a paper entitled Incorporating Balance: Challenges and Opportunities for Positive Psychology, Jamie introduced The Balance Framework for thinking effectively about the art of living well.

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In a paper published in the journal Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Jamie discussed how incorporating mindfulness into training programs can increase their effectiveness.

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In his most highly cited journal article Jamie introduced The Engagement Management Model - an alternative to performance management aimed at generating performance excellence. The article has been one of the journal's most popular papers for 9 years.

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In a paper published in the Journal of Vocational Behavior, Jamie demonstrated that taking initiative in organizations has different outcomes depending on whether or not initiators achieve the outcomes they seek.

Dr. Gruman delivered an outstanding webinar on workplace wellness, which provided Labatt employees with helpful tools and techniques to make meaningful changes in their lives. The content covered was not only relevant and timely, but it was delivered with such clarity and style that it made for an extremely enjoyable and entertaining session. It was a privilege to attend Dr. Gruman’s session, and we would welcome any opportunity to see him speak again!
— Mikaela Levasseur, Manager, Insights, Labatt